By Andrea Houdek
March 15, 2021
Your heart is racing, your face is flush, it's hard to take a deep breath...what the heck is going on? Our bodies have unique ways of letting us know something is not right and we need to pay attention. It can be confusing to understand what our brain and body are telling us. If this is happening to you over and over again, it's probably exhausting and baffling. Stress and anxiety can make you short tempered, angry, and maybe even having "explosions" of emotion. The first thing you can do is recognize you are in a strong "feeling" space and name it. Naming your emotion does a few things: it brings you into the present moment by speaking out loud, it brings awareness to your brain that you are getting the message and allows you to begin self soothing and deescalating. What does this "self soothing" look like you ask me. Well, it can look different for everyone. There are basic things we can all do, like breathing. I don't mean shallow breathing like a fish gulping air, I mean deep, abdomen exploring breathing. Imagine your are spelunking in your abdomen (yup, I use big words). Deep breathing is done slowly, mindfully and with great intention. We call this the "Square Breath": take a deep breath until you feel your belly beginning to rise for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, release your breath with a great exhalation "WHOOSH" for 5 seconds and hold your exhalation for 5 seconds. This breathing exercise will bring oxygen to your brain and body and allow muscles to relax and regroup. Do this as many times as your need to restore a semblance of calm and peace or maybe just a semblance of not feeling super anxious anymore, maybe just a little anxious. This is what we call deescalating. Instead of allowing your amygdala (it's only a kidney bean shaped brain piece) to be in the drivers seat escalating your anxiety, you are placing yourself back in the drivers seat deescalating. Give this a try next time your are feeling super anxious or even just a little anxious. I have a feeling this square breathing will help.